Struggling [to be] a[n] artist

{13 February 2011}   Resumes

A friend had posted a cover letter example and another posted resume examples thought I would add them to my list of info 😀

{13 February 2011}   About [me] & This

I had realized there is no “about” page.

– M e –

I’m a 23 year old female; currently a “college drop out” and attended University for Game Design. Despite the programs across the country being very young, I did learn a few things; such as were to look to start learning things (hint: Not really at school).

Officially pursuing animation as my career choice, but very much interested in graphic design, and wants to learn more about typography, and traditional art mediums like watercolor, and is yearning to take a life drawing class or dozen back at school.

-T h i s –

This blog was started to try to motivate myself record things that I learn as I grow as an artist, and learn various tips and tricks that help me improve. (Really, it first started as an art blog, but it’s just so much easier to upload stuff to dA than it is to make a blog here with art.)

I think that covers it.

I will eventually go back and re-tag/organize the posts, since it’ll make it easier for me to find something too.

{13 February 2011}   Growing

This was posted by some alumni: On Why too much help stunts your growth by Kevin Johnstone. I have a habit of posting asking for people on help or knowledge of good tutorials on how to do something. I would also like to argue, however, that if I don’t know if the damn thing exists then how am I suppose to play with it? There are so many programs out there to do any number of things, that it can get over whelming to keep up or know how they all work. There could also be some unknown tutorial that someone else stumbled across that you won’t find on your own.

But you still need to try going on your own. Just go build the whole thing and see how it works, then figure out why it doesn’t work, (or if you can, show it to someone and ask what can be improved or what’s going wrong) Then once you learn the tips and tricks, write it down and practice it over and over (which I must admit I am terrible at doing).

I’d also like to argue that someone could being doing something in 7 steps that can be done in two or three, and you’ve never know because it works and never had thought of another way it could be done. Note comparing is important and other than asking someone how they do it, I don’t know how else you would know.

Regardless, you won’t learn anything if you don’t get you hands dirty.

{6 February 2011}   CAT Rigging

Rigging is a very difficult thing for me. Setting up the bones so they’ll move in the correct way, to skinning the character. It’s a difficult process that often makes me want to cry (and often does). The places I seem to have the hardest time is with the shoulder area, and with this latest one, the elbows. The model is much high poly than the last model I had done, and certainly the reason why I’m having issues with the elbow.

In my attempt to find some sort of rigging solution, CAT was brought to my attention. It is included in the 3ds Max 2011 program. It reminds me of puppet shop from Lumonix (which I had gotten but not used very much). After many terrible sites that didn’t tell me much, I found these videos. I could only find the first part there, but the rest of them are here. I don’t know if this will help with my skinning issue, (most likely not) but it certainly does help if someone needs to make some custom rigs.

The next thing I need to figure out how the animation layering works, as well as weight painting. Weight painting in XSI seemed pretty easy (since I never used the program I don’t really know, but I am considering going over to that since  3ds Max has that stupid flow chart now too).

(I hate to admit) but the most useful thing I learned from the videos was to use twist bones in the arm. There is still so much more to learn. I want to go back to school.

—-edit/update 1—-

More Max tutorials here with the CAT tutorials part 1 part 2 part 3

Autodesk CAT help thing





et cetera