Struggling [to be] a[n] artist

{6 May 2014}  



Cosplayers, I need a bit of helpful advice.

Whenever I’ve worn my Marluxia wig it starts out fine. (Pic1) but then it drifts back and I end up having to either pull it down or re-situate it on my head. (pic2)

My hair’s pretty thick and as such the pony tail ends up a giant ball at the base of my head. Do you guys have any tips on how to make sure that the wig stays in one spot? The wig does have adjustable straps to make it tighter but I don’t know if that’ll cause me to have a headache from it being so tight it causes lack of blood to the brain.

Also, can someone recommend me some nice comfortable way to make Organization 13 boots?

Hi Cattai! 

Long response incoming – I can’t help it because I see SO many people having trouble with wigs! 

How to wear a wig: 

* Step 1: Get your hair as flat as possible. If you have shorter hair, you can leave it down or put it into little ponytails and pin them down. If you have long hair (like me, I have so much hair!) I recommend either FRENCH BRAIDING your hair and then wrapping the braids around your head (so it is spread out and not in one giant ball like if you put it into a bun/ponytail) or putting your hair into PIN CURLS for the day. 

* Step 2: GET A WIG CAP. GET A WIG CAP. GET 10,000 WIG CAPS BECAUSE YOU WILL LOSE THEM ALL. Wearing a wig cap not only smooths down your head, it will also give the pins something to hold onto in the next steps! 🙂  Here’s a picture tutorial on how to put a wig cap on! And here is a tutorial on making a wig cap out of nylons if you forget yours! 🙂  I strongly recommend PINNING the wig cap to your head. Just like the wig, it can start to slip around during the day. You can either use bobby pins/hair pins or snap clips to do this, just get it attached to your hair! 🙂  (Taeliac’s Tutorial is great 🙂 )

* Step 3: Put on the wig! Adjust the straps so that it is comfortable (not loose OR tight – these straps are to make the wig FIT YOUR HEAD not to keep it from slipping or sliding. Next, take some bobby pins or hair pins (I’ve heard hair pins are better but we usually end up buying bobby pins before each con ^^; ) and PIN THE WIG TO YOUR HEAD – with each pin, try to grab some of the wig cap and your own hair. You can see what works for you, but we usually end up with a lot of pins around the edges of the wig and a few scattered throughout, depending. 🙂 

* Step 4: This should keep MOST wigs on (and should definitely be enough for Marluxia’s wig.) For ridiculously wigs that have heavy structures/buns/pigtails/etc you may need to get some toupee clips to sew to the front of the hairline (Arda sells them now! ) (How to sew them in)  – These snap into your hair and are sturdier than bobby pins/hair clips at holding the wig in place. You can also use toupee tape (there are other brands, that’s just the first one that came up on a quick search. 🙂 ) which is the wig equivalent of fashion tape for holding your clothes to your skin. Again – these aren’t necessary for every wig – only for ridiculous/heavy wigs or sometimes for lace fronts since they can be hidden better than bobby pins. 

Here is And Sewing is Half the Battle’s tutorial covering a lot of the same points. 🙂 

I hope this helped some! 

Good luck on your cosplay!!! 😀 

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