Struggling [to be] a[n] artist

{17 October 2018}   Double-Flat-Pleating


It’s October, and you know what that means: time to get serious about all our Nutcracker prep. Hashtag Costume Designer Life. Here’s a ballet tutu technique that you can cross-apply to making petticoats. This isn’t as much a lolita tutorial as a technique that I’d like to experiment with lolita sometime, that I think has some good potential, but that is going to take a bit of work before it becomes something we’ll use every day.

Someday I’ll actually write a book on Petticoat Theory, but here’s a little bit more for today: when you make a petticoat out of a harder material (like stiff net or crinoline), you need less fabric to get your initial poof shape. However, if your harder fabric becomes softer with age, it will lose that initial poof and become smaller. After a longer period of time, if your fabric becomes soft, your petticoat will be the size that it would have been from the start if you’d made it with a soft fabric.

This does mean, however, that we have the secret to the never-deflating petticoat:

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