Struggling [to be] a[n] artist

{18 June 2017}   Welcome To…

So much internal screaming!!! This place has pretty much the exact pattern I need to make the weird pinafore apron Alice wears! 

I’ll have to figure out the bow and the skull later, but aahhh!!!

Welcome To…

Talking about aprons. Listed here because it has a pattern later in the article for 3 types of aprons. 

Also for cosplay research.

Springfield-Greene County Library — Bittersweet



Liddell was my first cosplay, I am really proud of how it turned out. Back then, I think it was 4 or 5 years ago, my mum helped me sewing the hard parts 😀

will make an own tutorial for the apron.


blue dress I sewed with a pattern I bought online (link to the pattern but it is German)

 (the puffy sleeves
I improvised). I recommend to buy a pattern and change it to your wants because
it is a lot less effort.

you make your own pattern is it really useful to have a puppet so you
can pin your fabric onto it and mark the borders with chalk. 


bought 2,5m blue cotton fabric and – how wide your fabric is, normally
114 or 140cm; lace ribbon.

At first you have to sew the dart then sew both back parts to the left
and right of the front. Then you have to fold the skirt, pin the
folds with needles and iron them. When you are ready, sew
with half of your seam allowance over the folds. Next sew the skirt
to your front and back and the lace ribbon to the bottom of the skirt.

that, pin the left side of the zipper to the left side of the dress
and the right side to the right. Before sewing the zipper to the
dress you have to sew the back seam of your skirt, up to where the zipper ends, together.


fold both sides of the sleeves to the needed size, pin the folds, sew once over them and iron them. 

You can also gather up the fabric.

Next fold and iron the
ribbon, that is around your arm in the end, once in the middle and sew
the edges together that you have a circle. Then sew the ribbon and the sleeve together.

At last sew your
sleeves to your dress.

{14 May 2015}  


Craft Show Vendor Apron

et cetera