Struggling [to be] a[n] artist

{9 September 2017}  


Paper test of pockets on the apron

progress! I decided to think over the size of the pockets. I feel like the skirt is so long and they have them so low??? IDK But they also put in the detail of the stitching which whoever did that does not sew as those are BASTING STITCHES OMG PEOPLE THAT IS NOT FINISHED GARMENT STITCHING 

{18 August 2016}  

I have a bred sheet I was gonna throw out because it has a big hole in it, but ten I realized I could use it for a mock of a skirt. The question is, do I do the tiered skirt or try to do a high-low skirt? 

{16 May 2016}  

Whew! I finished (the first part) of a bag I wanted to make, as a practice of “best sewing habits” and now going to move onto making a dress. I anticipate some problems in the bodice, since I’ve only done like 2 of them ever, and POSSIBLY if the pattern of the fabric doesnt line up well on the dress pattern, but if that happens (which I HOPE I will know before cutting) I’ll change it to like… a rectangle skirt or something with pleats or gathers.

I’m taking a break with some ice cream and then going to go trace out the pattern pieces to tracing paper for the dress, so I have that prepared for tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning will be a little busy. It looks like rain so I need to drop hubby off at work if I want the car, and we want to the dog to do morning day-care again.

Some point between those two trips (drop off, pick ups) I am going to hope to a fabric store and get some more universal needles for light/med fabric. I think I am out!! (I have ballpoint ones though) 

Should I do a mock of the bodice in muslin first??? I know I SHOULD, but I also only have a guarantee of 3 days to work on the dress. And tomorrow is going to be all tracing and cutting :/ 

That all said, I got a small stool for my sewing “table” and it is so nice to not be sitting on the floor trying to sew.

Janome and Brother onsite: 

Says it does all types. The south hills mall location confirmed for on site service and repair

Manual service cost ~$80
bring in peddle, bobbin, and foot

Archie Johnson & Sons – has no website 

2323 Lake Wheeler Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

Phone(919) 833-2791
Mon – Thu:10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat:10:00 am – 2:00 pm

{8 January 2013}  

Latest thing I’m working on. Goal today is to iron and pin them

{6 January 2013}  

I realized I haven’t really posted here in a good while. I’m really sorry! My quest for sewing knowledge had taken a short break, but I’m trying to get back into it. 

First, I tried making a pet bed from a book that so far I’m not sure I did right. They had one illustration, of a really easy step, and then the more complex one was just text. So I don’t really know. It’s mostly assembled right, and I would try and shape it more, but I can’t find my stuffing to finish it. 

I went through my patterns and got rid of the ones that are too big for me, or I don’t want anymore. I also selected a few to work on. After I get to washing my fabric I plan on doing some bloomers from Simplicity 2777 followed by a cape in 9887. Fabric and patterns only do me so good unless I actually use them ya know? So while I may not have a dress form to make my own patterns from, I can still use and make store ones and gain experience and knowledge on crafting items. 

I’ve also got some stuff listed on Etsy. It’s just some headbands for now, but I’m back to working on making some frilly wallets and coin purses to sell. My first really rough prototype is done of the small wallet, so this week I hope to use some fabric I have no use for, and make a good functioning version. After that, it’s to gather proper supplies and actually make them to sell! 

et cetera